Thursday, May 12, 2011


In light of all the bad weather and storms that we have been facing and hearing about all around us I felt like sharing something that God did for me a number of years ago.

I was working at The Shoe Depot, next to Dog Patch Trading Post, only a few weeks after that the huge tornado tore through Carnaby Square. There wasn’t really anyone in the store that day, just me, a coworker, her daughter and granddaughter. They were off in another part of the store when the door opened. It stood open without anyone coming inside for a moment so I decided to go around the desk and see if, whoever it was needed help coming in. When I could see the door, there was no one there. The door was open by itself. At that moment I felt like I had been transported outside. My body was inside the store, however, I was looking at the building from across the parking lot. There was a dark funnel cloud coming down on top of the store. A large hand appeared underneath the tornado, caught the funnel cloud and with a swift motion, pushed it back up into the sky.

I blinked and opened my eyes to see the door of the store closing. I heard this horrendous noise, looked out the windows at the front of the store and the long sign, which ran the length of the building, came crashing down on top of the cars parked out front. In what seemed like minuets the sky became dark and stormy. Men from all over came and worked at getting the sign cleared away and the cars out from under it. When the situation was investigated, the metal supports holding the sing in place appeared to have been twisted off the building.

I have no idea why God decided to show me this vision; however, I believe that He let me know the truth of what went on that day. He saved my life, along with the other women in the store. If that tornado had continued to form and come down in the middle of the building we would have been lost.

Some months later I was at a different job. Another storm came and fear arose inside of me. That day the Holy Spirit clearly spoke to my heart and said,

Do you really think that I would save you from one storm just to let you be destroyed by another.”

I thank God for His wonderful and supernatural protection.

* * * *

While typing this blog entry I think about all the families that have been affected by the deadly storms recently. For some reason these were allowed to form. I am reminded of the song, “Peacespeaker”.

It was such a lovely day and the sun was shining bright • A gentle breeze was blowing my way, not a storm cloud in sight • And suddenly without a warming, a storm surrounded my life

I am sure that this is how most of these families feel right now. Not only because of the weather responsible for these storms but because they are now facing storms in their life as they try to pick up the pieces and rebuilding their lives.

Regardless of the cause we all face storms in our lives, some more severe than others. I have faced storms in my own life that I would never have gotten through without the hand of God being there to protect me and pull me through. Every hardship that I face I learn to trust Jesus more and more. I don’t think anyone would say that they enjoy the storms that come our way however as long as we hold onto Jesus we Will make it through.

But even in the storm, I can feel the calm, and here´s the reason why • I know the Peacespeaker, I know Him by name • I know the Peacespeaker, He controls the winds and waves • When He says "peace, be still", they have to obey • I´m glad I know the Peacespeaker, yes I know Him by name

I don’t know what I would do if I did not know Him by name. Jesus truly is the Peace Speaker.

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